Sunday, June 24, 2012




Sunday, June 17, 2012

Finally DONE!

Finally done with the academic writing @ thesis. 
It marks the end of my undergraduates life, my four year uni life. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Desperately Needed

Desperate in need of this, and it works!! :D


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

FREE at last

Woohoo~ Finally my internship ended @1 Jun 2012. 
I have a lot of things want to do. There are a very long list.

  1. Write My Blog.
    I have miss a lot of important or meaningful event that I am not able to write about because of my busy schedule. Gonna write, write and write. Stay tuned for them!
  2. Learn Photoshop and Illustrator.
    It's time to sharpen my skill. Woohoo~
  3. House Cleaning.
    Draw away all unnecessary things and document, my room and my soft copy of document.
  4. Merayau-rayau @ KL
    Haven't been going to KL for quite a while. Gonna go see-see and walk-walk during the weekend maybe. Of course with my love one.
But but... The one and only MOST URGENT AND IMPORTANT thing to do at the moment is to complete my internship report and thesis. Seems like all other to-do list gonna make the way for another 2 weeks. But all's well, all's well.