To the special someone whose birthday is on this special day -
Nov 19.
This may not be new or original, but it's a note special written dedicated to you.
Knowing you since 5 years ago, when I first came to KL, to UM and to CHCKL.
- You are a good senior that brought me for nice food and nice places, it's such a privilege that I only get to appreciate now.
- A good friend, brother, and leader that is willing to stay back, drag me aside, and asked me if I am ok, one that is willing to spend time to care and to build relationship with me.
- One that give me advice when I was (and still am) going through my life, laugh and cry with me, being patient with me when I being disobedient/ make you disappointed/ angry, one that will feel heartache for me when I do something wrong that's hurting myself.
- One that keep in touch with me and share your life with me even when I was thousands miles away.
- One that is sacrificially driving me when I have no transport, to the extend that people suspected us as a couple
- One that never forgot my birthday, and won't be annoyed when I kept remind you of Haagen Dazz
- One that I can make fun with without worrying you'll get offended
- One that pick me up when I was so broken
- One that is hard to surprise
- One that is currently my colleague
The list can go on and on. Coz you are so into being yourself! And you'll never stop being a good friend, leader, and family.
I believe a smile is on your face when you read through the line. Just want to let you know that I am grateful for having a family like you.
Happy birthday Jen-Hann! May God bless you with His abundant grace and blessing. Expand and enlarge you to fulfill the destiny He puts forth in you. May God grant you the deepest wishes within you! Have a greater year ahead!
Letz walking down some memory lane.
My first Easter production with le senior. And Jen-Hann first acting experience I sipposed |
The "fishy" look |
2008 Birthday Sabo! SEJUKNYA!! |
2009 birthday cake sabo |
Though I can't make it to your convo, I make sure your wishes come true. And so it is! The BIG BEAR! |
First POS experience. Kesian Jen-Hann the sacrificial driver to drive
ALL of us in this photo (except the two little children) home every prac. |
2009 birthday surprise I supposed? |
A rondom trip to Time Square beramai-ramai. Why you hide behind the bar? |
Being 70's together |
Wow! So "yeng"! |
First mission trip wit le boss |
The LEGENDARY experience! |
Not forgot the reunion |
Family portrait #1 |
Family portrait #2 |
It takes such a courage to be hold like this ON STAGE! |
A man that faithfully serving with his voice |
A boyfriend material? DEFINITELY!
He's still single and available. Grab your chance today!