Saturday, February 9, 2013

First February

This is my 3rd FIRST post in this beginning of the year. So what's about this? Dang dang dang!! It's Richrad a.k.a my lovely boyfriend's birthday!!

So you may want to ask me, "What's your plan?", "How do you want to celebrate for him?" etc. Well, my very first initial plan is going out with him, hang around, and have nice meals together. Then, I have a second thought to make a video compiling all our photos together throughout past one year. And then, another thought, his very desire deep within him is to have his CG members celebrate with him and come to his house. Therefore, eventually I pick up my phone contact Kelvin Yii, one of the closer Richard's CG friend, and start the secret MISSION SURPRISE.

This is a plan throughout January. Why? Coz I need to get people to write something for him, may it be some "love letter" (according to Gordon Ling), something good that they appreciate him, something meaningful, or of course birthday wishes for him.Who are those people? Those who are close to him, and meaningful to him. They are his best friends (as far as in Singapore), colleagues (and bosses), CG members, church friends, and of course, church leaders. This is the gift preparation part. How about the surprise part? The surprise plan is to get his CG member to set up his room for a surprise when he's home. But we have to change plan last few days when Richard have to do HTV shooting at the planned day. And therefore we decided to kidnap his car and get him to go for treasure hunt.

So how's the outcome of it? Was him surprise? Shocked? Happy? Touched? Sadly I announce to you, our surprise plan FAILED as he's rushing. Well, right timing is seemingly very very very important. Nevertheless, though the surprise part failed, the warm part is a success. He's indeed VERY TOUCHED seeing all the wishes, and AMAZED seeing the signatures.

What's the most difficult part in this plan? I have to say that it's to carry out this plan without him notice something is on. As we always stick together, it's difficult to do so. Yet, I manage to carry it on successfully while he's serving.Hehehe.. Indeed the most difficult part is to seal my own mouth while preparing all these. So tempted to tell him about all these. Not to forget those part like contact his friend, best friend, and last minute convert his empty cover to something meaningful. Hehe.

Thanks to all the people who contribute to this MISSION SURPRISE.Without you he can't be so touched.

The original empty cover. 

Cover transformation one: Crossword

Cover transformation two: Crossword
Cover transformation three: Starducks

How I wish to say that "It's a wrap!". But... but...
Mr I, when would you want to pass the last gift to Richard?

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