Monday, April 22, 2013

The Gift

The gift is finally here. Yay!

What is this gift for? This is the belated anniversary gift.

This is a power bank. It's not-so-small in size and not-so-light in weight, but it's the small gesture of genuine love of Richard to me. All the while he had been talking about want to get a power bank, but I thought he's getting it for himself, which in fact he bought it for me! He said that the battery of my phone run out faster than his, so I need it more. But of course, it gonna become a shared property eventually.

Thursday, April 18, 2013





Tuesday, April 16, 2013

And so he forgot the day

Oh yeah, while I were exciting preparing my gift and waiting for him to get surprised, HE FORGOT THE DAY!!!!!

It's so saddening isn't it? I know right.

The actual day fall on 15th April itself while we were still in Singapore for our short-get-away trip + CHCSG Chinese church visitation. While we just rebuked our friend (with love) the day before because he didn't give his gf a good first birthday after they got attached, and now it's his turn to forget. Indeed, on the day itself, I'm not sure whether he did remember or not, I'm planning to pretend that I forget when he wanna celebrate with me, but I had waited for a fine ONE WHOLE DAY yet not a single word of "happy first anniversary". Honestly, I feel a bit disappointed and feel like crying too. In between, I pretend to ask for some other things and ask him "where's my surprise?" yet he didn't get the hint also.

Nonetheless, at the end of the day, my gift for him is awaiting him inside his room on the table. And so, he said thank you and apologized to me at the same time. The fact is, he merely remembered it's these few days, he couldn't remember the exact day. Though he didn't forget to prepare gift for me (and the gift is on its way, shipping), I decided to serve him a public reprimand by posting up the photo to all Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Well, I believe he had learned his lesson, repented and he'll remember forever more. Muahahaha *evil laugh*

And yeah, I had forgiven him the moment I saw this face of him. Haha..

Le happy face ^^

Happy First Anniversary!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

First Anniversary

Yeah!! It's the FIRST ANNIVERSARY with my boyfriend, Richard Tan.

Almost forgot about this special day when we officially told the world we are together until he asked me to on leave on this date. And therefore started my plan to prepare him a gift. After thinking things through, I finally settled with the plan "Project Richard the Transformer". Why is it I name it like this? He transformed himself into uncountable different characters to make up my days, cheer me up, and be with me.

On this special day, I just want to tell him:
"Thanks for this one year of being together. We have been through up's and down's, laughter and cry, the good's and the bad's, and still stick together. Thanks for bear with me, accept me and love me for who I am, be my faithful driver, etc.... The list can goes on and on. Like what people always say, love is not finding the 100% partner, but two 50% person be together. Thanks for being my 50%, you complete me. I love walking this journey with you, hopes we can keep walking down the path together, can grow old together."

Pick up my drawing skill again after a very very long time.
Seems like my skill still there. Haha.. Hope he'll love them.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm officially a E46!!

I'm officially a E46 starting this month!! Being in the same cellgroup with my boyfriend.

I'm now officially change from a Chinese cellgroup to a English one. There are a lot of reasons and rational behind that made this happened. I'm really excited and undecided the time when I were given this offer. Because I were given offer to choose between two options. And according to how I know my leaders, I do think that she would like me to choose another one. Sometimes knowing the leader well may not be too good I guess. Can I just pretend that I dunno? Hehe But after much struggles and considerations, I finally decided and told my leader my decision. Although it's kind of expected one.

I have to say that, the spiritual atmosphere here is totally different for me, and the spiritual maturity and intellectual level, I feel accepted, supported and loved here. I believe I'm gonna learn much and grow a lot in this CG.

My God reigns and He reigns forever more. I believe He's gonna do a great operation in my life. Gonna prepare my heart for it. Excited with my new CG journey! It's gonna be awesome!